har - bin - ger

n.One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; a forerunner; one sent ahead to arrange lodgings

We are stepping
forth to be the
harbinger of real
estate dreams
...yours & ours.

Harbinger Enterprises...A Real Estate Investment Group
AnswersWe Have The Deal 4 UProperties

Ask the Specialists

No Credit...No Down Payment?

Here's an opportunity to lease option

4402 Carstan Loop; Blaine, WA 98230 

1 mile from Birch Bay Beach (see pictures below)

Available beginning August 1, 2007

Unfurnished 1400 Sq. Ft./3 bdr/2 bath Rambler; Fenced back yard;
$1800 per month lease to own
3-5% for option to purchase
(versus 10-20% down payment to use conventional financing)

Click here for online application!

e-mail info@TheDeal4U.com or call 360-305-0909
if you have questions, and ask for Dotti


 If you have been wanting a new home,
there is no better time than NOW!

Click here for online application!

e-mail info@TheDeal4U.com or call 360-305-0909
if you have questions, and ask for Dotti

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